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Irish Phrases

The Irish phrases and words below have appeared as a regular article in our Free Monthly Newsletter about Ireland.
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PHRASE: Níl ach braon beag fola ort
PRONOUNCED: neel ock brain byug fulla urt
MEANING: There is a only a little blood

PHRASE: Beidh biseach ort go luath
PRONOUNCED: beg bishock urt guh loo-ah
MEANING: You will be better soon

PHRASE: Tusa mo bhuachaillín/chailín bán!
PRONOUNCED: tussa muh book-ill-een/coll-een bon
MEANING: You are my big brave boy/girl

PHRASE: Níl ach braon beag fola ort
PRONOUNCED: kneel ock brain byug fulla urt
MEANING: There is only a little blood

PHRASE: Curifidh mé plástar ort anois
PRONOUNCED: quirr-igg may ploss-chur urt ah-nish
MEANING: I will put on a plaster now

PHRASE: Tá tú an-chróga
PRONOUNCED: taw two on crow-geh
MEANING: You are very brave

PHRASE: Faigh scuab agus nigh do chuid fiacla
PRONOUNCED: fie-igh skube oggus knee duh quid fee-ikla
MEANING: Get a brush and clean your teeth

PHRASE: Suas síos
PRONOUNCED: sue-iss she-us
MEANING: Up and down

PHRASE: Idir na fiacla
PRONOUNCED: iddir nah fee-ikla
MEANING: Between the teeth!

PHRASE: Faigh do chóta agus cuir ort é
PRONOUNCED: fye-igh duh koh-ta oggus qwir urt a (a as in A,B,C)
MEANING: Get your coat and put it on

PHRASE: Tá sé fuar go leor inniu
PRONOUNCED: taw shay foor guh lore inn-u
MEANING: It is cold today

PHRASE: Déan deifir!
PRONOUNCED: dane deffer
MEANING: Hurry Up!

PHRASE: Maidin Mhaith
PRONOUNCED: mod-jin wot
MEANING: Good morning

PHRASE: Ar chodail tú go maith?
PRONOUNCED: air cud-ill two guh mot
MEANING: Did you sleep well?

PHRASE: Tá sé in am éirí
PRONOUNCED: taw shay in amm eye-ree
MEANING: It is time to get up

PHRASE: Gabh isteach sa seomra folctha agus nigh tú féin
PRONOUNCED: govhh ihh-stochk suh showm-rih fulk-cheh ogg-us knee two fayn
MEANING: Go into the bathroom and wash yourself

PHRASE: Gheobhaidh mé bosca nua sópa
PRONOUNCED: yeo-igg may buska new-ah suppa
MEANING: I will get a new box of soap

PHRASE: Faigh tuáille úr ghlan
PRONOUNCED: fie-igg tool-ah ur glann
MEANING: Get a clean fresh towel

PHRASE: Maidin mhaith
PRONOUNCED: modjin mot
MEANING: Good morning

PHRASE: Ar chodail tú go maith?
PRONOUNCED: air cuddle two guh mot
MEANING: Did you sleep well?

PHRASE: Tá sé in am éirí
PRONOUNCED: taw shay in amm eye-ree
MEANING: It is time to get up

PRONOUNCED: See on-shin guh foe-ull
MEANING: Sit here for a moment

PHRASE: Beidh biseach ort go luath
PRONOUNCED: Beg bish-ock urt guh loo-ahh
MEANING: You will be better soon

PHRASE: Beidh brú ort ansin i gceann cúpla lá
PRONOUNCED: Beg bru urt on-shin i geow-inn coop-leh law
MEANING: You will have a bruise there in a couple of days!

PHRASE: Cá bhfuil do Bhosca Lóin?
PRONOUNCED: kaw will duh buska loan
MEANING: Where is your Lunch Box?

PHRASE: Bí cinnte agus do lón ar fad a ithe inniu
PRONOUNCED: bee kin-che ogg-uss duh loan air fod ah ihh-heh inn-u
MEANING: Be sure to eat all your lunch today

PHRASE: Ná déan deramad ar do lón!
PRONOUNCED: naw dane djar-mad air duh loan
MEANING: Dont forget your Lunch!

PHRASE: Cuir ort do chóta
PRONOUNCED: kwer urt duh koh-tha
MEANING: Put on your coat

PHRASE: Tá sé fuar go leor inniu
PRONOUNCED: taw shay foor guh lore inn-u
MEANING: It is cold today

PHRASE: Déan deifir nó beimid mall
PRONOUNCED: dane djeffer no baim-eed moll
MEANING: Hurry or we will be late

PHRASE: Is binn béal ina thost PRONOUNCED: iss bin bail inna hust MEANING: Silence is golden

PHRASE: Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb PRONOUNCED: knee hay law nah gwee-heh law nah sculb MEANING: The windy day is not the day for thatching

PHRASE: Is fearr rith maith ná drochsheasamh PRONOUNCED: iss farr rih mot nah druch-shas-ivh MEANING: He who runs away lives to fight another day

PHRASE: Is binn béal ina thost
PRONOUNCED: iss bin bail inna hust
MEANING: Silence is golden

PHRASE: Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb
PRONOUNCED: knee hay law nah gwee-heh law nah sculb
MEANING: The windy day is not the day for thatching

PHRASE: Is fearr rith maith ná drochsheasamh
PRONOUNCED: iss farr rih mot nah druch-shas-ivh
MEANING: He who runs away lives to fight another day

PHRASE: Eist moran agus can beagan
PRONOUNCED: aisht more-on ogus kon byug-on
MEANING: Hear much and say little

PHRASE: Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!
PRONOUNCED: iss minik ah gevh-yun bail uskult dee-ug doon-tah
MEANING: An open mouth often catches a closed fist

PHRASE: De reir a cheile a thogtar na caisleain
PRONOUNCED: day rare ah kayla a hug-tur nah cosh-lawn
MEANING: It takes time to build castles

PHRASE: Comhghairdeas
PRONOUNCED: co-gair-djas
MEANING: Congratulations

PHRASE: Slainte
PRONOUNCED: slawn-cheh

PHRASE: O m'anam
PRONOUNCED: oh muh anim
MEANING: From my heart

PHRASE: a ghra mo chroi
PRONOUNCED: ah graw muh kree
MEANING: Love of my heart

PHRASE: Saol fada chugat
PRONOUNCED: sail faddah coogit
MEANING: Long life to you

PHRASE: Codladh samh
PRONOUNCED: cullah sovh
MEANING: Sleep well

PHRASE: cuimhnigh i gconai
PRONOUNCED: cweeve-nee ih go-nee
MEANING: Always remember

PHRASE: Is fearr Gaeilge briste, na Bearla cliste
PRONOUNCED: iss far gale-geh brishteh naw bear-elh clish-teh
MEANING: Broken Irish is better than clever English

PHRASE: Ni tir gan teanga
PRONOUNCED: nee tier gon tyan-geh
MEANING: No nation/land without a language

PHRASE: Is fhearr fheuchainn na bhith san duil
PRONOUNCED: iss far vue-chonn nah vith san du-ill
MEANING: It is better to try than to hope

PHRASE: Tada gan iarracht
PRONOUNCED: taw-dah gonn ear-ockt
MEANING: Nothing is done without effort

PHRASE: Cha d'dhùin doras nach d'fhosgail doras
PRONOUNCED: caw dih-doo-inn durriss nock dus-gall duriss
MEANING: No door closed without another opening

PHRASE: Níl agam ach beagáinín Gaeilge.
PRONOUNCED: kneel ah-gum ock byug-aneen gayle-geh
MEANING: I speak only a little Irish

PHRASE: An miste leat labhairt níos moille?
PRONOUNCED: on mishteh lat low-art neice mwille
MEANING: Can you speak a little slower

PHRASE: Ní thuigim
PRONOUNCED: knee higimm
MEANING: I dont understand

PHRASE: an Samhradh, an Fhomhair, an Geimhreadh, an tEarrach
PRONOUNCED: on sow-rah, on o-wirr, on geh-rahh, on tarrack
MEANING: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring

PHRASE: ta se gaofar/fuar/ag cur baisti
PRONOUNCED: taw shay gayfur/foor/egg curr bah-stee
MEANING: It is windy/cold/raining

PHRASE: La brea ata ann
PRONOUNCED: lah brah ahtaw ow-inn
MEANING: It's a lovely day

PHRASE: Corp dicheile
PRONOUNCED: corp dee-kayleh
MEANING: The height of folly

PHRASE: Rogha an da dhiogha
PRONOUNCED: rowah on daw deegah
MEANING: The lesser of two evils

PHRASE: Bua na cainte
PRONOUNCED: boo-ah nah coin-che
MEANING: The gift of the gab (ability to converse)

PHRASE: Thar gach ni eile...
PRONOUNCED: har gock nee ella
MEANING: Above all else...

PHRASE: Ni mor a admhail....
PRONOUNCED: nee moor ah ad-voll
MEANING: It must be admitted...

PHRASE: Ar an iomlan...
PRONOUNCED: air on um-lun
MEANING: On the whole...

PHRASE: Ni mor a admhail...
PRONOUNCED: knee moor ah ad-voll
MEANING: It has to be admitted....

PHRASE: Is baolach...
PRONOUNCED: iss bwail-ock
MEANING: Unfortunately...

PHRASE: de reir dealramh
PRONOUNCED: day rare deall-ruv
MEANING: Apparently....

PHRASE: Ni neart go cur le cheile.
PRONOUNCED: nee hyart guh curr leh kay-lah
MEANING: there is no strength without unity

PHRASE: Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein.
PRONOUNCED: neel ain tintin marr duh hin-tin fane
MEANING: there is no hearth like your own hearth

PHRASE: Is folamh fuar e teach gan bean.
PRONOUNCED: iss full-ivv foor a chock gon ban (a as in a,b,c)
MEANING: it is a cold house without a woman

PHRASE: Ni lia duine na tuairim
PRONOUNCED: nee lee-ah dinnah nah toor-im
MEANING: Everyone has their own opinion

PHRASE: Ni lia tir na nos
PRONOUNCED: nee lee-ah tear no-iss
MEANING: every country has it's own customs

PHRASE: Is leir don saol e an firinne
PRONOUNCED: iss lair dun sail a on firr-inyeh (a as in a,b,c)
MEANING: everybody knows the truth

PHRASE: Thar gach ni eile
PRONOUNCED: har gock knee ellya
MEANING: Above all else

PHRASE: Ni mor a admhail
PRONOUNCED: knee moor ah advile
MEANING: it must be admitted

PHRASE: Ar an iomlán
PRONOUNCED: air on umlawn
MEANING: on the whole

PHRASE: Maire/Seosaimh bhocht
PRONOUNCED: moir-eh/show-suff buckt?
MEANING: Poor Maire/Mary/Joseph

PHRASE: Ta si/se ag caoineadh
PRONOUNCED: taw shee/shay egg cween-idd
MEANING: She/he is crying

PHRASE: Thit si/se ar an urlar
PRONOUNCED: hit shee/shay air onn urr-lore
MEANING: She/he fell on the floor

PHRASE: Cad is ainm duit?
PRONOUNCED: coad iss annim dwit
MEANING: What is your name?

PHRASE: An bhfuil tu damhsa liom?
PRONOUNCED: On will two dowsa lum
MEANING: Would you like to dance with me?

PHRASE: Iocfaidh mise don gach rud!
PRONOUNCED: uck-igg misha dun gock rud
MEANING: I will pay for everything!

PHRASE: An bhfuil pian ort?
PRONOUNCED: On will peen urt
MEANING: Are you in any pain?

PHRASE: Gheobhaidh me an bhanaltra duit
PRONOUNCED: yo-igg on bonn-altra dwit
MEANING: I will get the nurse for you

PHRASE: Beidh an dochtuir anseo gan mhoill.
PRONOUNCED: beg on docktoor onshuh gon vwill
MEANING: The doctor will be here soon

PHRASE: Thalla a chluiche le do deideagan
PRONOUNCED: hallah ah clih-heh leh duh daid-aginn
MEANING: Go play with your toys

PHRASE: Dé tha thu ah deanamh?
PRONOUNCED: day taw two ah dyane-iff
MEANING: What are you making/doing ?

PHRASE: Ta me a dheanamh dealbh
PRONOUNCED: Taw ah yea/niff dyalb
MEANING: I am making a picture

PHRASE: Cad ba mhaith leat?
PRONOUNCED: cod buh woh latt?
MEANING: What would you like?

PHRASE: Ar mhaith leat caife, tea, bainne?
PRONOUNCED: air wott lat caffey, tay, bonn-yah
MEANING: Would you like coffee, tea, milk?

PHRASE: B'fhearr liom liomanaid, beoir, uisce beatha
PRONOUNCED: byarr lum lee-mun-oid, byorr, isk-ihh bah-ha
MEANING: I would prefer lemonade, beer, whiskey

PHRASE: An mor ata air?
PRONOUNCED: on moor ah-taw err
MEANING: What price is this?

PHRASE: Ceannoid me e
PRONOUNCED: kyann-owid a ('a' as in USA)
MEANING: I will buy it

PHRASE: An dtogann tu cartai credit?
PRONOUNCED: on dowg-inn two kartee kredit
MEANING: Do you accept credit cards?

PHRASE: Bi ciuin! Ta tinneas cinn orm.
PRONOUNCED: bee quewn! Taw tinniss kinn urm
MEANING: Be quiet! I have a headache.

PHRASE: Is cuma liom!
PRONOUNCED: is cumma lum
MEANING: I dont care!

PHRASE: Go hifreann leat!
PRONOUNCED: Guh hee-fran lath
MEANING: To hell with you!

PHRASE: Ta me/tu go hiontach
PRONOUNCED: taw /two guh hun-tock
MEANING: I/you am wonderful

PHRASE: Ta se/si are buille
PRONOUNCED: taw shay/shee air bool-yeh
MEANING: He/she is angry

PHRASE: Ta sinn/sibh/siad tuirseach
PRONOUNCED: taw shin/shiv/sheed tear-shock
MEANING: We/us/they are tired

PHRASE: Ni ceart go cur le cheile
PRONOUNCED: knee keart guh kurr leh kail-eh
MEANING: There is no strength without unity

PHRASE: Is maith an scathan suil charad
PRONOUNCED: iss mot on scah-hawn sewell karr-add
MEANING: A friends eye is a good mirror

PHRASE: Ni hespa go dith carad
PRONOUNCED: knee hes-pah guf dee karr-add
MEANING: There is no need like the lack of a friend

PHRASE: Ta athas/bron/fearg/ocras/tart orm
PRONOUNCED: taw aw-iss/broin/farg/ock-ros/tart urr-im
MEANING: I am happy/sorry/angry/hungry/thirsty

PHRASE: Ta tu mall/go luath/go halainn/ard/go tapaidh
PRONOUNCED: taw two moll/guh loo-ah/guh hall-inn/ard/guh top-igg
MEANING: You are late/early/beautful/tall/fast

PHRASE: Ta se te/fuar/fliuch/tirim amach
PRONOUNCED: taw shay teh/fuirr/fluch/tirrim amock
MEANING: It is hot/cold/wet/dry outside

PHRASE: Nil aon leigheas ar an ngra ach posadh
PRONOUNCED: neel ain laygus air on grah ock pus-idd
MEANING: The only cure for love is marriage

PHRASE: An rud a lionas an tsuil lionann se an croi
PRONOUNCED: on rud ah lean-uss on sewell lean-onn shay on kree
MEANING: What fills the eye fills the heart

PHRASE: Giorraionn beirt bothar
PRONOUNCED: gurr-on bert boh-hurr
MEANING: Two shorten the road

PHRASE: Ni ceart go cur le cheile
PRONOUNCED: knee keart guh kurr leh kay-leh
MEANING: There is no strength without unity

PHRASE: Ni heolas go haontios!
PRONOUNCED: knee hyeo-luss guh hain-chiss
MEANING: You cant know me without living with me!

PHRASE: Olann an cat cluin bainne leis!
PRONOUNCED: ull-onn on kot clew-in bonn-yeh lesh
MEANING: The quiet cat also drinks milk!

PHRASE: Conas ata tu?
PRONOUNCED: cunn-us ah-taw two
MEANING: How are you?

PHRASE: Glacfaidh me do theocht/chuisle
PRONOUNCED: glock-igg duh teowked/cush-leh
MEANING: I will take your temperature/pulse

PHRASE: Gheobhaidh me an bhanaltra/dochtuir duit.
PRONOUNCED: geow-igg on bawn-all-tra/dock-tour dwit
MEANING: I will get the nurse/doctor for you

PHRASE: Mo seanathair agus seanmathair
PRONOUNCED: muh sean-ah-hirr ogg-us shan-wah-hirr
MEANING: My Grandfather and Grandmother

PHRASE: Dearthair, deirfiur, aintín, uncail
PRONOUNCED: dre-harr, dre-furrh, on-teen, un-kol
MEANING: Brother, sister, auntie, uncle

PHRASE: Mathair, athair, mac, inin
PRONOUNCED: wah-hirr, ah-hirr, mack, ineen
MEANING: Mother, father, son, daughter

PHRASE: An toigh leat te/cofaidh/bainne ?
PRONOUNCED: on tow-ig lat tay/cof-aid/bon-yeh
MEANING: Would you like tea/coffe/milk ?

PHRASE: An gabh thu tuilleadh?
PRONOUNCED: on govh two tyew-lid
MEANING: Will you have some more?

PHRASE: Tapadh leat
PRONOUNCED: tapah lat
MEANING: Thank you

PHRASE: Gardai! Ta se prainneach.
PRONOUNCED: gard-ee! Taw shay pronn-ack
MEANING: Police! It's an emergency.

PHRASE: Taim i gcruachais anois
PRONOUNCED: tah-imm ih grew-cuss ah-nish
MEANING: I need your help now

PHRASE: Chaill me mo mhala.
PRONOUNCED: kyle muh wall-ah/spar-awn/tick-aid
MEANING: I lost my bag/wallet/ticket

PHRASE: Gabh mo leithscaal
PRONOUNCED: govh muh leh-skayle
MEANING: Excuse me

PHRASE: Nil Gaeilge maith agam
PRONOUNCED: kneel gale-geh mot ah-gum
MEANING: I cannot speak Irish very well

PHRASE: An Bhfuil Bearla/Gaeilge agat
PRONOUNCED: on will bear-lah/gale-geh ah-gut
MEANING: Do you speak English/Irish

PHRASE: Ta me i gcruachais.
PRONOUNCED: tah ih grew-kuss
MEANING: I need your help

PHRASE: Ta me ar strae/gortaithe/tinneas
PRONOUNCED: tah air stray / gore-teh-hah / tinn-iss
MEANING: I am lost/injured/sick

PHRASE: Ba mhaith liom an dochtuir
PRONOUNCED: buh wot lum on dock-thure
MEANING: I need a doctor

PHRASE: Ticead amhain go dti an Gaillaimh, le do thoil
PRONOUNCED: tick-aid ah-wann guh dee on gall-yibh leh duh hull
MEANING: One ticket to Galway please

PHRASE: Baile Atha Cliath/an Corcaigh/an Port Lairge/Ciarrai
PRONOUNCED: ball-yeh aq-hah klee-ah/on core-kig/on port lor-ih-geh/keer-ee
MEANING: Dublin/Cork/Waterford/Kerry

PHRASE: Cathain a bhainfidh an traenach/bus amach i Cill Airne
PRONOUNCED: kohh-inn a bwin-igg on tray-nock/bus ah-mock i kil arney
MEANING: When does this train/bus arrive in Killarney?

PHRASE: Ta an aimsir go halainn inniu
PRONOUNCED: taw an eyeim-shur guh haul-inn inn-you
MEANING: The weather is beautiful today

PHRASE: Bhi an aimsir fliuch agus gaofar ar maidin
PRONOUNCED: vee onn eyeim-shur fluck ogg-uss gwefarr air mod-djin
MEANING: The weather was wet and windy this morning

PHRASE: Ta se rothe i rith an lae
PRONOUNCED: Thaw shay ro-cheh ih rih on lay/eehah
MEANING: It is too hot during the day/night

PHRASE: Eist moran agus can beagan!
PRONOUNCED: aisht more-on og-us con byug-on
MEANING: Hear much and say little!

PHRASE: De reir a cheile a thogtar na caisleain!
PRONOUNCED: deh rare ah kay-lee a hug-tar nah cosh-lawn
MEANING: It takes time to build castles!

PHRASE: Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!
PRONOUNCED: iss minick ah gav-awnn bail os-kuly dee-ug doon-ta
MEANING: An open mouth often catches a closed fist!

PHRASE: Ta agam le rudai a cheannach
PRONOUNCED: taw ah-gum leh rudd-ee ah kee-ann-ock
MEANING: I have to do some shopping

PHRASE: Ba maith liom an cota deas/geansai deas
PRONOUNCED: buh wott lum on kota djas/gan-see djas
MEANING: I would like a nice coat/nice sweater

PHRASE: Ba maith liom seo a chur ar agaidh ag mo teach
PRONOUNCED: buh wott lum shuh ah kurr air eye-gh egg muh chock
MEANING: I want this sent to my house

PHRASE: Ca bhfuil mo sheomra leapa?
PRONOUNCED: caw will muh showm-rah lappah
MEANING: Where is my bedroom?

PHRASE: Ta sa thuas an staighre.
PRONOUNCED: taw shay who-iss on sty-reh
MEANING: It is upstairs

PHRASE: Ta an leaba fuar, bhog, garbh, salach, briste
PRONOUNCED: taw on lab-ah foor, bog, garv, sol-ock, brish-teh
MEANING: The bed is cold, soft, rough, dirty, broken

PHRASE: Ta suil agam go bhfuil tu i mbarr na slainte
PRONOUNCED: taw su-ill ah-gum guh will tu ih marr nah slawn-che
MEANING: I hope you are in the best of health

PHRASE: Ni raibh am agam scriobh go dti seo
PRONOUNCED: knee rouh omm ah-gum skreevh guh dee shuh
MEANING: I hadn't time to write until now

PHRASE: Scriobh chugam go luath
PRONOUNCED: skreevh coo-gum guh lu-ah
MEANING: write to me soon

PHRASE: An bhfuil dearthaireacha agus deirfiuracha agat
PRONOUNCED: on wil dreh-harr-ock-ah ogus dreh-furr-ock-ah ah-gut
MEANING: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

PHRASE: An bhfuil clann agat
PRONOUNCED: on wil clon ah-gut
MEANING: Do you have a family?

PHRASE: An bhfuil tu posta ?
PRONOUNCED: on wil two poe-sta
MEANING: Are you married?

PHRASE: Mo anam cara
PRONOUNCED: muh ann-imm karrah
MEANING: My soulmate

PHRASE: Gra, Dilseacht, Cairdeas
PRONOUNCED: graw, deel-shockt, korr-djass
MEANING: Love, Loyalty, Friendship

PHRASE: Gra Go Deo
PRONOUNCED: graw guh djoe
MEANING: Love forever

PHRASE: Is e do bhaile do chaislean
PRONOUNCED: iss a duh boll-yah duh kosh-lonn
MEANING: Your house is your castle

PHRASE: Coimhead fearg fhear na foighde
PRONOUNCED: koe-vade varrig farr nah foe-ih-geh
MEANING: Beware the anger of a patient man

PHRASE: Maireann croi eadrom i bhfad
PRONOUNCED: marr-inn kree aid-drum ih bodd
MEANING: A light heart lives longest

PHRASE: An toigh leat tae/bainne/cofaidh/siucra?
PRONOUNCED: on toig lat tay/bonn-yah/coff-aid/shu-krah
MEANING: Do you like tea/milk/coffee/sugar?

PHRASE: An gabh tu pios caca?
PRONOUNCED: on govh two pee-sah caw-kah
MEANING: Will you have a piece of cake?

PHRASE: An gabh tu tuilleadh?
PRONOUNCED: on govh two twul-lid
MEANING: Will you have some more?

PHRASE: Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED: naw dane shin
MEANING: Don't do that!

PHRASE: Gle mhaith!
PRONOUNCED: glay moth
MEANING: Very good!

PHRASE: Rinn tu e!
PRONOUNCED: rinn two a (as in the letter a)
MEANING: You did it!

PHRASE: Ba mhaith liom cupan tae
PRONOUNCED: Buh wah lum cup-onn tay
MEANING: I would like a cup of tea?

PHRASE: Le bainne? Le siucra?
PRONOUNCED: Leh bonn-yeh? Leh shu-kreh
MEANING: With milk? With sugar?

PHRASE: Ta se ro-laidir/ro-lag/an dheas
PRONOUNCED: Taw shay ro-law-dirr/ro-logg/on djas
MEANING: It is too strong/too weak/just nice

PHRASE: Slainte agus tainte!
PRONOUNCED: slawn-che oggus tinn-che
MEANING: Health and Wealth!

PHRASE: Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo aris!
PRONOUNCED: guh mware-eh mwid beow air on omm shuh ah-rish
MEANING: we be alive this time next year!

PHRASE: Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit!
PRONOUNCED: ought-bleen fwee -sheh dwit
MEANING: A prosperous new year to you!

PHRASE: Fainne oir ort!
PRONOUNCED: fawn-yeh ore urt
MEANING: A gold ring on you (Bravo! or Well Done!)

PHRASE: Go dte tu an cead
PRONOUNCED: guh day two on kade
MEANING: you live to be 100

PHRASE: Go maire tu!
PRONOUNCED: guh mire-ehh two
MEANING: you live (Congratulations! or Live long!)

PHRASE: Oiche Shamhna
PRONOUNCED: ee-ha how-nah
MEANING: Halloween (the night before Samhain)

PHRASE: Tabhair féirín dom nó buailfidh mé bob ort!
PRONOUNCED: tour ferr-een dum no booligg bob urt
MEANING: Trick or Treat (give me a treat or I will play a trick on you!)

PHRASE: Tine cramha/Cailleach/Taibhse
PRONOUNCED: tinneh cravh-sheh/coll-yuk/tavh-sheh
MEANING: Bonfire/Witch/Ghost

PHRASE: Fomhair/Geimhreadh/Earrach/Samhradh
PRONOUNCED: foe-irr/gev-reh/arr-ock/souwh-rah
MEANING: Autumn/Winter/Spring/Winter

PHRASE: Ta se ag cur baisti
PRONOUNCED: taw shay egg curr bosh-tee
MEANING: It is raining

PHRASE: Ta mo eadie fliuch
PRONOUNCED: taw muh ea-dee flee-uck
MEANING: My clothes are wet

PHRASE: An mor ata air?
PRONOUNCED: on moor ah-taw err
MEANING: Ho much does this cost?

PHRASE: An dtogann tu caratai credit?
PRONOUNCED: on duggan two car-tee credit
MEANING: Do you take credit cards?

PHRASE: Ceannoid me e
PRONOUNCED: kyan-oh-idd a (a as the letter A)
MEANING: I'll buy it!

PHRASE: Ta me go hiontach
PRONOUNCED: taw guh hyun-tock
MEANING: I am wonderful!

PHRASE: Ta me tinn
MEANING: I am unwell (sick)

PHRASE: Ta tuirse orm
PRONOUNCED: taw tier-sheh urm
MEANING: I am tired

PHRASE: Sean is ainm dom
PRONOUNCED: Sean is ann-imm dum
MEANING: Sean is my name!

PHRASE: Ca bhfuil Maire/Sean?
PRONOUNCED: caw will Maire/Sean
MEANING: Where is Maire/Sean!

PHRASE: Ta se/si sa teach/ostan
PRONOUNCED: taw shay/shee sah chock/us-tawn
MEANING: He/She is in the house/hotel

PHRASE: Ta se go brea
PRONOUNCED: taw shay goh braw
MEANING: It is sunny!

PHRASE: Ta se scamaillach
PRONOUNCED: taw shay scomm-ill-ock
MEANING: it is cloudy

PHRASE: Ta se ag cuir baisteach
PRONOUNCED: taw shay egg curr bawsh-stuck
MEANING: It is raining!

PHRASE: Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED: nah dane shin
MEANING: Dont do that!

PHRASE: Cuir sin sios
PRONOUNCED: cwirr shin shees
MEANING: Put that down!

PHRASE: Fuirich air falbh on teine
PRONOUNCED: fwirr-ick err voliv on dyan-yeh
MEANING: Stay away from the fire!

PHRASE: Eireann go Brach !
PRONOUNCED: air-inn go braw
MEANING: Ireland forever!

PHRASE: Cead mile failte romhat!
PRONOUNCED: kade meela fall-cheh row-itt
MEANING: A hundred thousand welcomes!

PHRASE: Slainte
PRONOUNCED: slawn-che
MEANING: Good Health!

PHRASE: Buchaill/cailin maith!
PRONOUNCED: boo-kill/coll-een mott
MEANING: Good boy/girl!


PHRASE: Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED: nah dane shin
MEANING: Don't do that!

PHRASE: Deireadh Fomhair/Samhain/Nollaig
PRONOUNCED: derr-ihh foe-irr/zoew-inn/null-igg

PHRASE: Nollaig faoi shean is faoi mhaise duit!
PRONOUNCED: Nullig fwee yan iss fwee mway/shih dwit
MEANING: A prosperous and enjoyable Christmas!

PHRASE: Nollaig Shona duit
PRONOUNCED: nullig hunna dwit
MEANING: Happy Christmas to you

PHRASE: Athblian shona duit
PRONOUNCED: ought/bleen hunna dwit
MEANING: Happy new year to you

PHRASE: Iuil/Lunasa/Mean Fomhair
PRONOUNCED: ooh-ill/loon-asa/man-foe-irr

PHRASE: White/Green/Black/Blue/Brown/Red/Yellow
PRONOUNCED: ban/glass/dubh/gorm/donn/dearg/bui
MEANING: bawn/gloss/duve/gurim/don/djarigg/bwee

PHRASE: Ta se a seacht/ocht/naoi a chlog
PRONOUNCED: taw shay shocked/ucked/knee a clug
MEANING: It is seven/eight/nine o'clock

PHRASE: Aibrean/Bealtaine/Meitheamh
PRONOUNCED: obb-rinn/beowl-tinn-eh/meh-ivh

PHRASE: Deardaoin/De hAoine/De Satharn/ De Domhnach
PRONOUNCED: dare-deen/day heena/day satt-urn/day dow-nock
MEANING: Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday

PHRASE: Ta se a ceithir/cuig/se a chlog
PRONOUNCED: taw shay a kerr-ihh/koo-igg/shay a clug
MEANING: It is four/five/six o'clock

PHRASE: Eanair/Feabhra/Marta
PRONOUNCED: onn-irr/feow-rih/marr-tah

PHRASE: De Luain/De Mairt/De Cheadaoin
PRONOUNCED: day-loon/day mart/day k-deen
MEANING: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday

PHRASE: Ta se a haon/do/tri a chlog
PRONOUNCED: taw shay a hane/doh/tree ah clug
MEANING: It is one/two/three o'clock

PHRASE: Beagan agus a ra go maith
PRONOUNCED: byug/onn ogg/iss a raw guh mot
MEANING: Say little but say it well

PHRASE: Mol an oige agus tiocfaidh siad
PRONOUNCED: moll on ogue/ihh og/iss chuck/igg sheed
MEANING: Praise the young and they will flourish

PHRASE: Ceoil agus Craic
PRONOUNCED: ceo/ill ogg/iss crack
MEANING: Singing and fun

PHRASE: bean mo chroi
PRONOUNCED: bann muh kree
MEANING: Woman of my heart

PHRASE: Ta tu go halainn
PRONOUNCED: taw two guh haul-inn
MEANING: You are beautiful

PHRASE: An bposfaidh tu me?
PRONOUNCED: on boes-igg two
MEANING: Will you marry me?

PHRASE: Ta se dearg, gorm, dubh, ban, oraiste, donn, bui, glas
PRONOUNCED: taw shay dar-igg, gurrum, duve, bawn, orr-awsh-che, don, bwee, gloss
MEANING: It is red, blue, black, white, orange, brown, yellow, green

PHRASE: Ta se a haon a clog, a do a clog, tri, ceathair, cuig, se, seacht, hocht, naoi, deich
PRONOUNCED: taw shay a hane a clug, a dough a clug, tree, kah-irr, coo-igg, shockt, huckt, knee, deh
MEANING: It is one o'clock, two o'clock, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

PHRASE: Uladh, Mumhan, Laighean, Connacht
PRONOUNCED: ooh-lad, muv-onn, lion, con-ocked
MEANING: Ulster, Munster, Leinster, Connaught

PHRASE: An féidir liom cabhru leat?
PRONOUNCED: on fay-durr lum cow-roo lat?
MEANING: I help you?

PHRASE: An bhfuil tu ag lorg duine eigin?
PRONOUNCED: on will two egg lurg dinn-eh aig-ginn
MEANING: Are you looking for someone?

PHRASE: An gno pearsanta no oifigiuil e?
PRONOUNCED: on gih-no parr-sann-tah no iff-igg-ool ae
MEANING: Is it personal or official?

PHRASE: Ta me are meisce
PRONOUNCED: taw//air/mesh-keh
MEANING: I am very drunk

PHRASE: Ta me ar buille
PRONOUNCED: taw//air/bool-yeh
MEANING: I am very angry

PHRASE: Ta me tuirseach
PRONOUNCED: taw//tier-shock
MEANING: I am tired

PHRASE: Iuil/Lunasa/Mean Fomhair
PRONOUNCED: yewell/loon-asa/man-foe-hur

PHRASE: Deireadh Fomhair/Samhain/Nollaig
PRONOUNCED: derrah-foe-hur/sow-inn/null-igg

PHRASE: Seacht, Ocht, Naoi Deich
PRONOUNCED: shocked, ucked, knee, deh
MEANING: Seven/Eight/Nine/Ten

PHRASE: Aibrean/Bealtaine/Meitheamh
PRONOUNCED: ibb-ronn/be-owll-tinnih/meh-ivh

PHRASE: Deardaoin/De haoine/Sathairn/De Domhnaigh
PRONOUNCED: dare-deen/day-heena/day-dow-nig
MEANING: Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday

PHRASE: Ceathair/Cuig/Se
PRONOUNCED: cah-irr/coo-igg/shay
MEANING: Four/Five/Six

PHRASE: Eanair/Feabhra/Marta
PRONOUNCED: ain-irr/feow-rahh/marr-tah

PHRASE: De Luain/De mairt/De Cheadaoin
PRONOUNCED: day-loon/day-mart/day kade-djeen
MEANING: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday

PHRASE: Aon/Do/Tri
PRONOUNCED: ah-inn/doh/tree
MEANING: One/Two/Three

PHRASE: Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit!
PRONOUNCED: Nullig fwee yan iss fwee mway/shih dwit
MEANING: A prosperous and enjoyable Christmas!

PHRASE: Nollaig Shona duit
PRONOUNCED: nullig hunna dwit
MEANING: Happy Christmas to you

PHRASE: Athblian shona duit
PRONOUNCED: ought/bleen hunna dwit
MEANING: Happy new year to you

PHRASE: Imeacht gan teacht ort
PRONOUNCED: imm/ocked gone chockt urt
MEANING: you leave withour returning

PHRASE: Titim gan eiri ort
PRONOUNCED: titt/imm gone eye/ree urt
MEANING: you fall without risinge

PHRASE: Gurab amhlaidh duit
PRONOUNCED: gur/ibb owl/adh dwit
MEANING: The same to you

PHRASE: Is maith an scathan suil charad
PRONOUNCED: iss mott on scot/onn suill karrad
MEANING: A friend's eye is a good mirror

PHRASE: Ni dhiolann dearmad fiacha.
PRONOUNCED: knee djull/onn djar/madd fee/ack/ha
MEANING: A debt is still unpaid, even if forgotten

PHRASE: Is minic a bhris beal duine a shron.
PRONOUNCED: iss min/ick a vrish bale dinn/ih a hrone
MEANING: Many a time a man's mouth broke his nose

PHRASE: An bhfuil pian ort?
PRONOUNCED: on will peen urt?
MEANING: Do you have any pain?

PHRASE: Beidh tu ag taisteal san otharcharr
PRONOUNCED: beg two egg tass/toil sann uttor/karr
MEANING: You are going by ambulance

PHRASE: Gheobhaidh me an bhanaltra duit
PRONOUNCED: yeo/igg/ on bonn/all/trah dwit
MEANING: I will get the nurse for you

PHRASE: An feidir liom cabhru leat?
PRONOUNCED: on fay/durr lum cow/roo latt
MEANING: I help you?

PHRASE: An gno pearsanta no oifigiuil e?
PRONOUNCED: on no par/san/tha no iff/igg/ool ae
MEANING: Is it personal or official?

PHRASE: Cad is ainm duit, le do thoil?
PRONOUNCED: cod iss an/imm dwit, leh duh hull
MEANING: What is your name, please?

PHRASE: Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.
PRONOUNCED: iss mawt on tawn/lonn on tuck/russ
MEANING: Hunger is a good sauce

PHRASE: An bhfuil ocras ort?
PRONOUNCED: on will uck/russ urt
MEANING: Are you hungry?

PHRASE: An maith leat fion/beoir/tae/bainne?
PRONOUNCED: on mawt latt fyunn/byore/tay/bonnyeh
MEANING: Do you like wine/beer/tea/milk

PHRASE: Ta ocras orm.
PRONOUNCED: taw uck/russ urm
MEANING: I am hungry

PHRASE: Ta tart orm.
PRONOUNCED: taw tart urm
MEANING: I am thirsty

PHRASE: Ba mhaith liom cupan tae
PRONOUNCED: buh wah lum cup/onn tay
MEANING: I would like a cup of tea

PHRASE: Ta gaoth ann
PRONOUNCED: taw gay oww/inn
MEANING: It is windy

PHRASE: Ta an t-usice ann
PRONOUNCED: taw on tish/keh ann
MEANING: It is raining

PHRASE: Ta an t-adhar gorm
PRONOUNCED: taw an tat/hir gur/imm
MEANING: The sky is blue

PHRASE: Dia duit ar maidin
PRONOUNCED: dee/ah dwit air mod/ging
MEANING: Good morning

PHRASE: Ca bhfuil do sheomra leaba?
PRONOUNCED: kaw will do shoim/rah labb/ah
MEANING: Where is your bedroom?

PHRASE: Ta se thuas an staighre
PRONOUNCED: taw shay who/iss on sty/rih
MEANING: It is upstairs

PHRASE: Beannachtai na Feile Padraig
PRONOUNCED: bann/ockt/tee nih fail/eh pawd/rig
MEANING: Happy Saint Patrick's Day

PHRASE: Siochan leat
PRONOUNCED: shee/oh/con lat
MEANING: Peace be with you

PHRASE: Slán agus beannacht leat
PRONOUNCED: slawn og/us ban/ockt lat
MEANING: Goodbye and blessings on you

PHRASE: Tuigim Gaeilge shimpli
PRONOUNCED: thug/imm gale/geh him/plee
MEANING: I understand simple irish

PHRASE: Nil moran Gaeilge agam.
PRONOUNCED: kneel more/on gale/geh ah/gum
MEANING: I dont have much Irish

PHRASE: De reir a cheile a thogtar na caisleain
PRONOUNCED: day rare a kayla a hug/tar nah cosh/lawn
MEANING: It takes time to build castles

PHRASE: Ni h-e la na baisti la na bpaisti
PRONOUNCED: nee hay law na bawshtee law na bawshtee
MEANING: A rainy day isn't a day for the children

PHRASE: Is e do bhaile do chaislean
PRONOUNCED: iss ay duh vol-yah duh cosh-lawn
MEANING: Your house is your castle

PHRASE: Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam
PRONOUNCED: teer gon tyong-ga, teer gon on-umm
MEANING: A country (land) without a language, a country without a soul

PHRASE: Ta cupla focail Gaeilge agam
PRONOUNCED: taw koo-pluh fuk-ill gale-geh ah/gum
MEANING: I have a couple of words of Irish

PHRASE: Nil aon sceal eile orm
PRONOUNCED: kneel ayne skale ella urm
MEANING: I don't have any other story

PHRASE: Oiche mhaith, codladh samh
PRONOUNCED: eehah wot, culla sovh
MEANING: Good night, sleep well

PHRASE: Go hifreann leat!
PRONOUNCED: guh hiff-irr-in lat
MEANING: To hell with you!

PHRASE: Go dtachta an diabhal tu!
PRONOUNCED: guh dock-tah on dee-veal two
MEANING: the devil choke you!

PHRASE: Imigh sa diabhal!
PRONOUNCED: im-ihh sah dee-veal
MEANING: Go to the devil!

PHRASE: Ca as duit?
PRONOUNCED: caw oss dit
MEANING: Where are you from?

PHRASE: Is as Meiricea/Sasana/Eire dom
PRONOUNCED: iss oss mare-i-caw/sos-in-ah/air-ah dum
MEANING: I am from America/England/Ireland!

PHRASE: Ta tu go h-aileann
PRONOUNCED: taw two guh haul-inn
MEANING: You are beautiful!

PHRASE: eistigi liom!
PRONOUNCED: eish-tig-ee lum
MEANING: listen to me!

PHRASE: Dún do bheal!
PRONOUNCED: shut your mouth!
MEANING: duin duh vale!

PHRASE: gabh mo leithscéal!
PRONOUNCED: guh muh lesh/kale
MEANING: pardon me!

PHRASE: Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.
PRONOUNCED: Iss mot on tawn/lawn on tuck/russ?
MEANING: Hunger is a good sauce

PHRASE: An bhfuil ocras ort?
PRONOUNCED: On will uck/russ urt?
MEANING: Are you hungry?

PHRASE: Níl. Ach tá tart orm.
PRONOUNCED: Kneel. Ock taw tart ur/um
MEANING: No, but I am thirsty

PHRASE: Ta me/Ta Tu/Ta se/Ta si/Taimid
PRONOUNCED: Taw /Taw two/Taw shay/Taw she/Tom-eed
MEANING: I am/You are/He is/She is/We are

PHRASE: Ta me in a gconai in aice on siopa
PRONOUNCED: Taw inn ah goin-ee inn ack-ah on shup-ah
MEANING: I am living beside the shop

PHRASE: Ta si ag leamh on paipear
PRONOUNCED: Taw she egg lave on paw/pear
MEANING: She is reading the paper

PHRASE: Beannachtai na Feile Padraig
PRONOUNCED: ban/ocked/tee nah fail/eh pawd/rig
MEANING: Happy Saint Patricks Day

PHRASE: Fear/Bean ar do mhian agat
PRONOUNCED: far/ban air duh vian ah/gut
MEANING: A husband/wife of your choice to you

PHRASE: Faol saol agat agus bas in Eirinn
PRONOUNCED: fweel sail ah/gut og/us boss in air/in
MEANING: Long life to you and death in Ireland.

PHRASE: aon, do, tri, ceithir, cuig, se, seacht, ocht, naoi, deich
PRONOUNCED: ain, dough, tree, kerr/ih, koo/igg, shay, shocht, uck/th, knee, deh
MEANING: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

PHRASE: Mir a haon ar an gClar Gno
PRONOUNCED: mere ah hain air on glar gh/no
MEANING: Item one on the agenda

PHRASE: Iadsan go leir ata i bhfabhar?
PRONOUNCED: eed/sun go lair ah/taw ih vow/arr
MEANING: All those in favour?

PHRASE: Iadsan go leir ata in aghaidh?
PRONOUNCED: eed/sun go lair ah/taw in eye/gh
MEANING: All those against?

PHRASE: Cruinniu ar Athlo!
PRONOUNCED: krin/u air ott/low
MEANING: Meeting adjourned!

PHRASE: Cé atá ag glaoch, le do thoil?
PRONOUNCED: K ah/taw egg glay/ock, leh duh hull?
MEANING: Who is calling?

PHRASE: Tá an líne gafa
PRONOUNCED: Taw on leena goffa
MEANING: The line is engaged

PHRASE: Níl aon fhreagra
PRONOUNCED: Kneel ain frag/ra
MEANING: There is no answer

PHRASE: Bainfidh mé triail as an líne eile
PRONOUNCED: Bwin/igg treel os on leena ella
MEANING: I will try the other line

PHRASE: Tá brón orm faoin moill
PRONOUNCED: Thaw bro/inn ur/im fween mwill
MEANING: I am sorry for the delay

PHRASE: Níl sé/sí istigh inniu
PRONOUNCED: Kneel shay/shee ish/tig in/u
MEANING: He/She is not in today

PHRASE: Cén uimhir ghutháin atá agat?
PRONOUNCED: Kane iv/or goo/tawn ah/taw ah/gut?
MEANING: What is your Telephone Number?

PHRASE: Cén t-eolas atá uait?
PRONOUNCED: Kane toe/lass ah/taw ooh/it?
MEANING: What information do you want?

PHRASE: Gheobhaidh tú gach eolas san bhileog
PRONOUNCED: Yeo/ig two gock o/lass san vill/owge
MEANING: You will get all the information in the leaflet

PHRASE: An feidir liom cabhru leat?
PRONOUNCED: On fay/dur lum kav/roo lath?
MEANING: I help you?

PHRASE: Cad is ainm duit, le do thoil?
PRONOUNCED: Cod is ann/um dwit, leh duh hull?
MEANING: What is your name please?

PHRASE: Cen seoladh atá agat, le do thoil ?
PRONOUNCED: Kane show/lah ah/taw ah/gut, leh duh hull?
MEANING: What is your address please?

PHRASE: An bhfuil Gaelige/Bearla agat?
PRONOUNCED: On will gale-geh/bear-lah ah-gut?
MEANING: Do you speak Irish/English?

PHRASE: An dtuigeann tú?
PRONOUNCED: On digg/inn two
MEANING: Do you understand?

PHRASE: Tuigim/Ni thuigim
PRONOUNCED: tigg-im/knee higg-im
MEANING: I understand/I don't understand

PHRASE: Cen tam e?
PRONOUNCED: cane thom a?
MEANING: What time is it?

PHRASE: Ta se a tri a chlog ar maidin
PRONOUNCED: Taw shay ah tree ah clug air mod/gin
MEANING: It is three o'clock in the morning

PHRASE: Ta se deich noimead tar eis a naoi
PRONOUNCED: Taw shay deh no/made tar aish a knee
MEANING: It is ten minutes after nine

PHRASE: Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED: naw dane shin
MEANING: Don't do that!

PHRASE: Bi samhach!
PRONOUNCED: bee zoww/ock
MEANING: Be Quiet!

PHRASE: Duin an doras!
PRONOUNCED: doon on dur/oss
MEANING: Shut the Door!

PHRASE: Breith lá Sona Duit!
PRONOUNCED: breht law sunna dwit!
MEANING: Happy birthday to you!

PHRASE: Go maire tú an lá!
PRONOUNCED: go marra two on law
MEANING: Many happy returns! (Congratulations!)

PHRASE: Sláinte agus saol chugat!
PRONOUNCED: slawn/che ogg/us sail koo/gut!
MEANING: Health and long life to you!

PHRASE: Tá grá agam duit!
PRONOUNCED: taw graw agg/um dwit
MEANING: I love you!

PHRASE: Mo mhíle grá
PRONOUNCED: muh veal/ah graw
MEANING: My thousand loves

PHRASE: Go raibh míle maith agat!
PRONOUNCED: Guh ruh meal/ah mawt ag/gut (literal: you have a thousand good things!)
MEANING: Many thanks!

PHRASE: Cén dath atá ar ?
PRONOUNCED: cain dawt ah/taw air?
MEANING: What color is it?

PHRASE: Ta se dearg/gorm/bui/glas/dubh/ban
PRONOUNCED: Taw shay djar-ig/gurm/gloss/duve/bawn
MEANING: It is red/blue/green/black/white

PHRASE: Cad e sin?
PRONOUNCED: Cod eh shin?
MEANING: What is that

PHRASE: Is clog/balla/blathanna e
PRONOUNCED: Iss clug/bolla/blaw-on-ah eh
MEANING: It's a clock/wall/flowers

PHRASE: Cad ba mhaith leat?
PRONOUNCED: cod buh watt lat
MEANING: What would you like?

PHRASE: Ba mhaith liom tae/bainne/uisce beatha/beoir
PRONOUNCED: buh watt lum tay/bonn-ye/ishka ba-ha/bee-yore
MEANING: I would like tea/milk/whiskey/beer

PHRASE: Ni maith liom /bricfeasta/lon/suipear
PRONOUNCED: knee mawt lum brick/fasta/loan/sue-pear
MEANING: I would not like breakfast/lunch/supper

PHRASE: Tá tart mór orm?
PRONOUNCED: taw tart moor urm?
MEANING: I am very thirsty?

PHRASE: Cá bhfuil an teach pobail? ostán, teach, airgead
PRONOUNCED: caw will on chock pub/ill? us/tawn, chock, are/igid
MEANING: Where is the Pub? hotel, house, money

PHRASE: Sláinte!
PRONOUNCED: slawn/che
MEANING: Health! (Cheers!)

PHRASE: Cé as tú?
MEANING: Where are you from?

PHRASE: As America, is tú féin?
PRONOUNCED: oss/America/iss/tu/feign
MEANING: From America, and yourself?

PHRASE: As Australia
PRONOUNCED: oss/Australia
MEANING: From Australia

PHRASE: Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit!
PRONOUNCED: Nullig fwee yan iss fwee mway/shih dwit
MEANING: A prosperous and enjoyable Christmas!

PHRASE: Nollaig Shona duit
PRONOUNCED: nullig hunna dwit
MEANING: Happy Christmas to you

PHRASE: Athblian shona duit
PRONOUNCED: ought/bleen hunna dwit
MEANING: Happy new year to you

PHRASE: Michael is ainm dom
PRONOUNCED: Michael is ann/um dum
MEANING: My name is Michael

PHRASE: Cad is ainm duit?
PRONOUNCED: cod is ann/um dwit?
MEANING: What is your name?

PHRASE: Is as Éire dom
PRONOUNCED: iss oss air/eh dum
MEANING: I am from Ireland

PHRASE: Tá mé Tuirseach
PRONOUNCED: thaw tir/shock
MEANING: I am tired

PHRASE: Tá mé ar buille
PRONOUNCED: thaw air boo/ill/ya
MEANING: I am angry

PHRASE: Tá mé air meisce
PRONOUNCED: Thaw air mesh/kah
MEANING: I am drunk

PHRASE: Is fear rith maith ná drochsheasamh.
PRONOUNCED: is far rit mot nah druck/shass/ubh
MEANING: A good run is better than a bad stand

PHRASE: Más é do thoil é
PRONOUNCED: Mawsh a duh hull a ('a'as in 'bay')
MEANING: If you please

PHRASE: Saol fada chugat
PRONOUNCED: Sail fod/ah cu/gut
MEANING: Long life to you

PHRASE: Gura slán an scéalai
PRONOUNCED: gur/ah slawn on skale/e
MEANING: the bearer of the news be safe

PHRASE: ...a chuisle mo chroí...
PRONOUNCED: a quish/leh muh kree
MEANING: dear darling/treasure...

PHRASE: ...a ghrá mo chroí...
PRONOUNCED: a graw muh kree
MEANING: of my heart...

PHRASE: Scileann fíon fírinne.
PRONOUNCED: Skill/awn fyun fir/in/eh.
MEANING: Wine lets out the truth.

PHRASE: Imeacht gan teacht ort.
PRONOUNCED: Im/ockt gon chock/th urt.
MEANING: you leave without returning - a curse

PHRASE: Titim gan éirí ort.
PRONOUNCED: Chitim gon eye/ree urt.
MEANING: you fall without rising - a curse

PHRASE: Nach breá an lá é?
PRONOUNCED: knock brah on law eh
MEANING: Isn't it a nice day?

PHRASE: Tá an ceart agat. Tá sé go breá anseo.
PRONOUNCED: Taw on cart ah gut. Taw shay go brah on shuh
MEANING: You are right. It is nice here?

PHRASE: Nil' an aimsir go maith inniu
PRONOUNCED: Kneel on ayeim shur go mawt in you
MEANING: The weather isn't good today

PHRASE: Gura slán an scéalai
PRONOUNCED: gur ah slawn on skale e
MEANING: the person bearing the news be safe

PHRASE: Tá failte romhat
PRONOUNCED: Taw fall cheh row at
MEANING: You are welcome

PHRASE: Conas atá tú?
PRONOUNCED: kuniss ah-taw two
MEANING: How are you?

PHRASE: Tá mé go maith
PRONOUNCED: Taw go mawt
MEANING: I am well

PHRASE: Oíche mhaith
PRONOUNCED: e-ha whawt
MEANING: Good night

PHRASE: Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin
PRONOUNCED: Kneel ain tin-tin mar duh yin-tin feign
MEANING: There's no place like home

PHRASE: An bhfuil bean sa chistin?
PRONOUNCED: On will ban sa khish-tin?
MEANING: Is there a woman in the kitchen? (replace 'bean' with 'fear' (pronounced 'far') to ask 'is there a man in the kitchen?')

PHRASE: Eireann go braugh (bráth)
PRONOUNCED: air-in go braw
MEANING: Ireland forever!

PHRASE: Dia dhuit
PRONOUNCED: dee-ah dwit
MEANING: God (Dia) be with you. This phrase is the equivalent of 'Hello'.

PHRASE: Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
PRONOUNCED: air esh day go row a ann-im ('row' as in a fight, tiff, argument)
MEANING: May he rest in peace - This is a common phrase used on funeral condolence cards, gravestones, etc.

PHRASE: Go n-éirí on bóthar leat
PRONOUNCED: go nigh-ree on boat-or lat ('nigh' as in 'the end is nigh')
MEANING: May the road rise with you

PHRASE: Slán agus beannacht leat
PRONOUNCED: slawn og-us bann-ockt lat
MEANING: Goodbye and blessings on you

PHRASE: Níl saoi gan locht.
PRONOUNCED: kneel see gone luckt
MEANING: There is no-one without a flaw (everyone has their faults)
PHRASE: An rud is annamh is iontach.
PRONOUNCED: on rudd iss ann-ivh iss een-tock
MEANING: What is seldom is wonderful
PHRASE: Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste!
PRONOUNCED: iss far gale-geh bhrish-teh, naw bear-lah klish-teh
MEANING: Broken Irish is better than clever English!
PHRASE: Beannachtai na Casca ort!
PRONOUNCED: bannockt/tee nah coss-kah urt
MEANING: Happy Easter!
PHRASE: Domhnach Casca/Luan Casca
PRONOUNCED: dow-nock coss-kah/loon coss-kah
MEANING: Easter Sunday/Easter Monday
PHRASE: Ubh Chasca
PRONOUNCED: uvv coss-kah
MEANING: Easter egg
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by Michael Green
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Irish phrases in the Gaelic language - 350 Irish sayings