More Funny Quotes From Ireland
MORE FUNNY QUOTES FROM IRELAND ‘A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.’ ‘How long was I in the army? Five foot eleven.’ ‘All I ask is the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.’ ‘Money can’t buy friends but it can get you a better class of enemy.’ Spike Milligan ‘In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol – it was the worst 20 minutes of my life.’ ‘I spent a lot of good money on drink, women and cars. The rest I just squandered’ George Best ‘Money does not make you happy but … Continue reading More Funny Quotes From Ireland

Vulture Funds Controversy is a Legacy of the Crash
The crash of the property market in Ireland in 2008-9 and the subsequent collapse of the banking sector wreaked absolute havoc. Ireland was lumbered with debts for a generation by the EU/ECB/IMF who brokered a deal to keep the ATM … Continue reading Vulture Funds Controversy is a Legacy of the Crash

Crisis in Irish Hospitals is a National Disgrace
Opinion: The never-ending mess that poses as the Irish Health Care System achieved yet another unwanted milestone recently as it was revealed that the 667 patients who were waiting on hospital trolleys for full admission to hospital is the largest … Continue reading Crisis in Irish Hospitals is a National Disgrace

14 More Insults and Sayings Only Heard in Ireland
ARE YA STARTIN? Universally accepted as an invitation to fight. ‘Did you rob my beer?’ ‘No, you starting are ya?’ ‘You did dint ya?’ ‘Ya startin!!!’ GO AWAY OUT OF THAT Often used as a stalling tactic while a suitable … Continue reading 14 More Insults and Sayings Only Heard in Ireland

Quiet Man Railway Station Could Collapse
The railway station used in the iconic 1952 movie ‘The Quiet Man’, starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara, is under threat and may collapse. Castletown Station, as seen in ‘The Quiet Man’ Following on from the news that the pub … Continue reading Quiet Man Railway Station Could Collapse

Opinion: National Maternity Hospital Debacle Beggars Belief
The row that has erupted about the development of the new National Maternity Hospital (NMH) takes the Irish appetite for scandal to new depths. The Religious Orders in Ireland are currently in a sense of heightened vigilance to criticism. They … Continue reading Opinion: National Maternity Hospital Debacle Beggars Belief

Pressure Mounts on Catholic Church to Compensate its Victims
The redress scheme to compensate victims of clerical abuse that have been identified on foot of the Ryan Commission has so far cost over 1.5 Billion Euro. Of that amount some 6% has been contributed by the religious orders, despite … Continue reading Pressure Mounts on Catholic Church to Compensate its Victims